NRE Step-1 Monthly Pricing Plan


Discounts: (Full & Group)

  • If you pay full fee, you will get 10% discount.
  • For group of 3 students, you will get 10 % discount.

National Registeration Examination (NRE) is conducted by Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) Pakistan. It helps to make sure foreign qualified doctors have the right competency (Skills, Knowledge & Attitude) to practice in Pakistan.

What does the NRE involve?

There are two steps of the NRE. Step-1 is a written Multiple Choice Exam. Step-2 is a practical Objective Structured Clinical Exam, known as an OSCE. It is also called CSE (Clinical Skills Exam).

What does HMI Academy Offer?

There are two steps of the NRE. Step-1 is a written Multiple Choice Exam. Step-2 is a practical Objective Structured Clinical Exam, known as an OSCE. It is also called CSE (Clinical Skills Exam).

Students can watch lecture:.

  1. With Regularity & Discipline;
  2. Interect With Teacher.

HMI conducts Regular & Crash sessions depending upon NRE schedule.

HMI also conducts Mock Prometric Online Tests for:.

  • NRE Step-1 ;
  • Basic Sciences; &
  • Clinical Sciences.

To get experience, attend HMI Demo lectures. During lectures, relevant MCQs are discussed with explanation. The following subjects are prepared for NRE:

Basic Sciences

Clinical Sciences

1. Applied Anatomy

17. IM NS

2. Biochemistry

18. IM Respiratory

3. Hematology (EPPP)

19. IM GIT

4. CVS (PPP)

20. IM Renal

5. Endocrine (EPPP)

21. IM MS

6. Nervous System (EPPP)

 22. IM Infectious Disease

7. Respiratory System (EPPP)

23. IM Reproduction

8. Renal (EPPP)

24. Surgery


25. Peads

10. Reproductive (EPPP)

26. Gynae & Obs

11. AMA

27. ENT

12. ANS

28. Opthalmology

13. Microbiology

29. Dermotology

14. Immunology

30. Psychiatary

15. IM Endo

31. Clinical Cases

16. IM CVS

32. MCQs by PMC