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National Registeration Examination (NRE) is conducted by Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) Pakistan. It helps to make sure foreign qualified doctors have the right competency (Skills, Knowledge & Attitude) to practice in Pakistan.
What does the NRE involve?
There are two steps of the NRE. Step-1 is a written Multiple Choice Exam. Step-2 is a practical Objective Structured Clinical Exam, known as an OSCE. It is also called CSE (Clinical Skills Exam).
What does HMI Academy Offer?
There are two steps of the NRE. Step-1 is a written Multiple Choice Exam. Step-2 is a practical Objective Structured Clinical Exam, known as an OSCE. It is also called CSE (Clinical Skills Exam).
Students can watch lecture:.
With Regularity & Discipline;
Interect With Teacher.
HMI conducts Regular & Crash sessions depending upon NRE schedule.
HMI also conducts Mock Prometric Online Tests for:.
NRE Step-1 ;
Basic Sciences; &
Clinical Sciences.
To get experience, attend HMI Demo lectures. During lectures, relevant MCQs are discussed with explanation. The following subjects are prepared for NRE: